Sunday 6 December 2009

संस्कृत : The Mother Of All Language.

वागर्थाविव श्रम्प्रिक्थौ वागर्थ प्रथिपथाये जागता: पिथरौ वन्दे पार्वती परमेश्वरौ - (Kalidasa Raghuvamsha Mahakavyam)

Oh! The parents of the World, Parvathi and Parameshwara, who are inseparable like the word and its meaning, I salute you, to attain expertise in words and their meanings

The very word Sanskrit means refined and complete. Sam (together) krtam (made). Sanskrit is perhaps the oldest living language. All modern languages have etymological roots in sanskrit. Linguistic researches have revealed that all Indo-European languages are rooted in Sanskrit. TheEnglish word 'brother' for instance can be rooted to Sanskit word 'brathara:' and the word mother can be related to the Sanskrit word 'Mathara:' Computer experts find that Sanskrit is the best suited language for programing because words in Sanskrit are instances of pre-defined classes, a concept that drives object oriented programming [OOP] today. For example, in English 'cow' is a just a sound assigned to mean a particular animal. But if you drill down the word 'gau' --Sanskrit for 'cow'-- you will arrive at a broad class 'gam' which means 'to move. From these derive 'gamanam', 'gatih' etc which are variations of 'movement'. All words have this OOP approach, except that defined classes in Sanskrit are so exhaustive that they cover the material and abstract --indeed cosmic-- experiences known to man. So in Sanskrit the connection is more than etymological*

The alphabets in sanskit are called 'Akshara:' which means :'something that cannot die or lose its luster' .(ना शारथी इति अक्षर:). Sanskrit is a refined, pure, rich and an immortal language and one would not be surprised if the technology tomorrow becomes Sanskrit centered....

The words that we often use have Sanskrit connotation:

Here are few examples. This list is just an illustrative list. It is impossible to make an exhaustive list

(Sanskrit word- equivalent English word -Sanskrit meaning )

matar -mother

pitar -Father

bhratar -Brother

svasar- Sister

gyaamti -Geometry -Measuring the Earth

trikomati -Trigonometry -Measuring triangular forms

dvaar- Door

ma- me- First person pronoun

naman -Name

smi -Smile

eka- Equal -the same.

Monday 30 November 2009

तितीर्षुर्दुस्तरम् मॊहात् उडुपॆनास्मि सागरम्!- कालिदास: रघुवम्शमहाकाव्यम्

These verses's of kalidasa's. One of the greatest sanskrit poet ever born. In these lines he says " To quench my disire to reach the other shore,My folly has lead me to the venture in the sea with a country made small boat(udupam)

'I think, therefore I am'

A Conscious attempt not to think of something, is perhaps, a most difficult to consummate.For every time you make an endeavour to get there you take a retrogressive step,Few thoughts are vicious chains; it takes a Marathon effort to get off the or link. Few are the still worse,they are strongly centripetal,they defy orbits and boundaries,no matter where you start. You would be dexterously mapped to one central motive,that you have been carefully trying to avoid. How can one ever remember to forget something? An annoying oxymoron of life indeed!!
Peace out.

'Je pense, donc je suis' is a french phrase coined by the mathematician Rene' discartes. Its Latin counterpart, ' Cogito ergo sum' is more famous and both these phrases literally mean : ' I think, therefore I am'

Saturday 14 November 2009

" sabhyata jahaan pehle aaye...."

उत्तरं यत् समुद्रस्य हिमाद्रिः चैव दक्षिणं
वर्षं तद भारतं नाम भारती यत्र संततिः

जननी जन्मभूमिश्च स्वर्गादपि गरीयसी

Saturday 17 October 2009

एक मैं था
जो कुछ समझ न सका
एक वो थे
जो कुछ समझा न सके
एक जमाना था
जो हमारी समझदारी की दाद देता रहा....
ज़माने में दोनों की
बहुत बातें होती थी
पर रहते थे दोनों खामोश
जब भी मुलाकातें होती थी...
दोनों के दरम्यान
बस दो क़दमों का फासला था
बढ़ाएगा पहला कदम वो
सोचकर दूसरा नहीं बढ़ा....